The E-Zone: Europe Ho!

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Other Places in Europe!

Copyright ©
by Eric Mah.
All rights reserved.

[At Frankfurt] Gee, How Did I Get Here?!
During my time in Europe, I managed to see quite a few places and see quite a few faces. I was expecting an air of arrogance and abruptness from those on the European continent, you know, a "typical" snooty European. I was pleasantly surprised to find warm hearted, convivial people in most of the countries I managed to travel to. Here's to traveling and the subsequent opening of minds and hearts!

Stopover in Frankfurt, Germany
[Cheers!] Yep, that's me with some co-workers. And yep, we're working reeeeeeally hard in that bar we're sitting in. Hey, we couldn't let a stopover in Frankfurt, Germany go by without imbibing some genuine German beer, now could we? [A Streetcorner
	in Frankfurt]
Frankfurt has a variety of architectural styles nicely intermingled in a small area. Here I am on a street corner near the main entrance of the Frankfurt Train Station, an area that clearly highlights the old and new. I had a very good first impression Europe from my little saunt into Frankfurt. The streets were very clean, people very cordial, and everything just seemed so, so . . . European!

I thought that Europeans would be a bit stand offish and a bit snobby, but that's not really true. True, they're not quick to flash you a smile when you pass them out on the sidewalk but when I asked many a bystander to help me snap some pictures, most everyone was very courteous and happy to do so.

Welcome and good-bye! Foreigners in a strange land finding their way back to the train that would convey them to the airport for their connecting flight on to . . . . Macedonia! Though we only spent about four hours roaming about on German soil, I received a good impression of how things and people were like in Europe.
Skopje, Macedonia [Location Map] [Map of Macedonia]
Macedonia?! Where in the heck is that? Well, I'm sure many people now know where this little country of approximately 2 million is after all the coverage it got due to its close proximity just south of Kosovo, Yugoslavia. I'm staying in Skopje, the captial city and I was surprised to find that it's a very nice, developed city. I was expecting trash filled streets, boarded up offices, dilapidated infrastructures and many people out begging for hand outs in this former province of Yugoslavia. Clean streets, well-developed highways, tree lined avenues and plenty of lively night-time hangouts filled with fashionly dressed young people though are what you'll find here.

[Yugo] Remember the Yugo, Yugoslavia's own home grown three-cylinder hopeful for becoming the modern version of what the Volkswagen Beetle was in the 60's and 70's? Well, they're alive and running here in Macedonia! [Wedding Scene]

I'm really impressed at how friendly people here are once you get past the initial introductory stage. I was out walking about the other night and I happened across a wedding party in a restaurant. Curious as to how they celebrate wedding receptions here, I asked if I could take a peek inside the restaurant. To my surprise not only did people usher me in, practically everyone wanted to take a picture with me! I don't know if it was because seeing an Asian face was so rare here or if they'd react to any foreigner like this.

[Wedding Scene] To the right: the dancing and merriment that accompanies the reception after a wedding ceremony.