Go to it!
Copyright ©
by Eric Mah.
All rights reserved.
Hello Churchill Class of '89!
July 18, 1999
Wow, has it really been 10 years already? Ten years since graduating from
high school?! It only seems like a few years ago, surely only three or four at most,
since we last ran through the training routines of Mr. Duncan's P.E. classes,
or asked Mrs. Hunter for help in looking up a book on a particular esoteric author
for that research report Mr. Ogan assigned at the beginning of the term (and was to be
turned in the following day). . .
more . . .
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February 24, 1999
A big bee, of course! The Jollie Bee!
There's a fast food restaurant chain here in the Philippines called
"Jollie Bee" that serves things from hamburgers and spaghetti to corn
beef and eggs.
They're fast, efficient and the food is pretty good and economically priced.
But why a bee for a mascot? Oh well, one could as the same question
about another famous fast food chain that has a clown as their mascot!
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October 1998
I saw something very beautiful one autumn evening here.
During a stroll around the neighborhood, I got my very first close-up look
at fireflies.
From a distance they looked like tiny green embers floating gently amid
the leaves of a big tree, glowing brightly for a moment and then fading
away only to flame back to life a second later.
They're a lot smaller than I imagined them to be, about the length of
my thumbnail. They're actually kind of cute.
Well, some of you out there may have seen tons of these glowing bugs
before, but I didn't see any where I grew up so it was neat to just
stand there and watch these critters with built in flash beacons float
around flashing their neon green lights.
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Oatmeal and CNN
October 1998
I was eating breakfast one morning, and as is my usual custom,
I was watching
so as to be an informed, responsible citizen of this globalized world
we live in. It suddenly dawned upon me, as I was sitting there at the
diningroom table slurping merrily away at my bowl of instant oatmeal,
that I was total entralled by the whole packaging of CNN. I was sucking
in whatever they were flashing on the screen . . .
more . . .
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Subic Thoughts
September 1998
Since the Philippines has such nice tropical
weather, it also has nice big tropical sized critters.
Not a day goes by when
something with four, six, eight, or a billion legs scurries alongside the wall
(inside or outside) of our house. . .
more . . .
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