Other People's Pages
For those I know, come on! Make a Web Page and I'll list it here!
Lynn Lee. A former classmate in Taipei at the Mandarin
Training Center, Lynn is one of those guys who has the remarkable
energy to do a billion things at once. From studying Classical
Chinese poetry to biking all around Taipei (yes, biking) to Dragon
Boating, Lynn has done it.
Check out Bill Shaw's
The Shaw Family web site! My former roommate
will have you cracking up at the seams with his wit and elegant prose!
Wait! Am I think about the right guy here?! Read for yourself and you
decide! Find out all about his mission to free the Liberty Belle!
Free what? You'll have to go to his site to find out!
My cousin Brian has a neat site packed with picts of
some of his outdooring adventures. From skiing to hiking to skydiving,
if you have an adventuresome spirit, check out his page!
Kang, is a cool Kung-Fu type of guy. Don't mess with this
guy or he'll really mess you up with his Wing-chun . . . or beat
the pants off you in Ma-jhong!
Lisa Nguyen is yet another MTC buddy. Check out her cool site.
For a more cerebral affair, visit my old highschool
classmate, genius extraordinaire, Robert
Clapp's homepage. Interested in seismology and geology? This
is the place to go!